2007년 11월 24일 토요일

Truth of Bruce Lee's death


Truth of Bruce Lee's death
Truth of Bruce Lee's death

The legendary Chinese action star Bruce Lee has passed his life away of his age 33 in the year 1973. 30 years passed by since then but yet the cause of his decease has been remained as a mystery. In the movie "Dragon", Bruce Lee fights against an mysterious iron-armored warrior. This scene shows that Lee has been afflicted with a certain existence; whatever that can be. Linda Emery, the wife of Bruce Lee has said that she knew the such tragedy will happen even before it happened. That even before she was married to Lee, her future-husband Lee has told to ther that his family has been cursed by certain reasons. What are the mysteries beyond this successful man's death? The story below has been introduced by KBS2-TV(Korean Broadcasting System) in the program called .¡¡ ¡¡Bruce Lee has experienced ths scissored-neck since youth. Scissored-neck is an attack from vengeful spirit that has certain bitterness & grief on certain family and tries to revenge or curse the lineage of that family. Usually, when you get a scissored-neck, you feel certain spirit-being is holding your neck by certain force and not able to move any part of your body except shaking your head. One day, little Lee had a dream of nightmare. A dream that was too vivid almost felt like real. The vivid voice in the dream was saying, "Your father will die at 64 and you won't even live half of he does!". Little Lee felt too weird he went to his father and asked what the dreams was about. Father answered, "That is the voice of the prodigy fengshui-master Sung ling-ru(¼º¸µ·ç). He has passed away at 12 years old. He was genius at finding the harmonious place. before he died he has made his last word, "Nobody should be buried next to my grave.". but unfortunately your grandfather has been buried next to the grave." Is this story real? Well, one thing for sure is that Bruce Lee couldn't get away from this terrible nightmare(scissored-neck).
To overcome his own destiny of nightmare, Bruce Lee has decided to make a new living in U.SA. but still he wasn't free from the nightmare. and had to took nervine pills even. The voice from the nightmare had still frightened him saying "You will succeed greatly but you will die at age 32 and your son won't able to have a child and die!". Bruce Lee got married to an American woman Linda Emery in 1964. In 1965, the first son Branden was born. Lee was starting to make career in Hollywood as a Martial Artist director. Just then, Lee's father has passed away in China. Just like the warning from the nightmare by the fengshei prodiy, his father was 64. Lee couldn't calm down while his new form of Kungfu was being well-known and successful from the movies to the world. In 1973, Lee was making a movie called "Enter the Dragon", Lee experienced black existence attacking him down. Lee was shocked of the weird unexplainable situation that he had fallen down. The lighting technicians at that time witnesses that Lee has shown certain weird behavior such as pretending to picking up the glasses.
On 20th of July 1973, Lee has visited his friend, a Taiwanese actress called Betty Tingpei. While having a talk together Lee had suddenly felt the headache and Betty had gave him a pill. Later Lee had lost his conscious and had driven by an ambulence. Lee had died few after he was carried to the hospital. His age was 32. and the name of the movie he was making was "Game of Death". Bruce Lee's only son Brandon Lee has succeeded to make his career as a movie star in Hollywood. In 1993, acting in a movie "The Crow", he had been hit by a real loaded weapon and had died. This is the traged through the 3rd generation from Bruce Lee's father to his son. Before Bruce Lee has died, it is told that he had counceled to fengshei masters to get away from the tragedic karma. Right now, brothers or sisters of Bruce Lee had all been either divorced, died or bankrupt and the family claims this has been caused from their grandfather's grave. Is this true? Can some spirit curse or make an unfortune destiny to others?
¿ù°£°³º® The Great Opening(montly magazine) 2005.08 translation by Jiwoong


Chinese character (Hanja in Korean) was developed by Korean


Chinese character (Hanja in Korean) was developed by Korean
I found this post at a discussion group. I thought it was interesting enough so I post it here.
I insist that the so-called Chinese character (Hanja in Korean) was probably invented and developed by Korean, although the populous Chinese also have used it as their basic writing systems. I believe the number of population of any ethnic group should not be a factor that obscures the origin. I explain some evidences.
1. The original pictographs called 'gab-gol' (bone and shell) or 'bok-sa' in Korean were certainly invented during the Yin dynasty (or Shang state, BC 1600~BC 1046), although it is uncertain who was the inventor. There is no dispute regarding this matter between Korean and Chinese historians. There are ample recent evidences that the dominant people of the Yin dynasty was Korean, which some Chinese historians also acknowledge. Moreover, prototypes of Hanja (chinese character) were found to the east of the Shang (Ta wen k'ou and Lungshan culture), not the west (Yangshao culture). The culture of Lungshan was far advanced than Yangshao culture. If Yangshao can be called Chinese as modern Chinese historians do, Lungshan should be called Korean.
Archaeological evidences imply that bronze culture was imported from Lungshan to the Shan dynasyty. With respect to historical records, Shiji by Sima Qian, which most scholars on east Asian history cherish, described 'Chiwoo' (an Korean emperor recorded in Handangogi, See footnote 4) as the following:
"He had 81 brothers. They were with beast body, spoke in human language, had bronze head and iron forehead, and ate sands everyday."
Shiji implies that Chiwoo was from a tribe that used bronze to make weapons and spoke in different language. Usually, responses to Koreans described in chinese history books are bipolar (disparaging while being scared). The description on Chiwoo is a typical one. But Chinese historians themselves wrote implications that bronze was introduced from Koreans.
People who developed Ta wen k'ou and Lungshan culture in Shantung province were called "East Yi". Koreans had called "East Yi" by Chinese, and "Yi" means a big arrow, a feature of the Shang dynasty [See footnote 1].
Based on archaeological evidences from Ta wen k'ou and Shiji's mention on bronze weapon of a Korean ancestor, it seems certain that Shang dynasty succeeded Hanja and bronze culture in the East (Shantung province) where some Korean ancestors resided.
2. Among countries that adopted Hanja, only Koreans use exactly one syllable for one character.
Although Chinese are technically monosyllabic, Chinese or Japanese used one or more syllables de facto for one character. A good example is the sounds denoting the numbers. Only Koreans use just one syllable for one number. So, it is very easy for Koreans to say any complex numbers quickly.
For another example, the sound for 'white' in Hanja in 'baek' (one syllable) in Korean but 'bai' (two syllable) in Chinese. Regarding the character denoting 'head', it is 'doo' in Korean but 'tou' in Chinese. On the other hand, it is the same for the character denoting 'mountain' - 'shan' in both Korean and Chinese.
Why have Koreans used only one syllable for one character, but Chinese one or more syllables de facto? It certainly shows that Chinese pronunciation system is a variant from Korean counterpart.
Koreans seemed to try use Hanja as phonogram before the 7-th century. Hyangchal and Idoo were Korean phonetic systems based on Hanja before the hangul nvention by King Sejong in 1443. Ancient Korean poems 'Seodongyo' and 'Hyeseongga' were written based on Idoo between AD 579-632 (King Jinpyung), indicating that not only pronunciation system for Hanja, but Idoo itself had already been established in Silla before AD 600. Considering the fact that Silla should have been the last country to use Hanja, the pronunciation system might have been established earlier in Paekche and Koguryo.
3. Some basic pictographs reflect Korean life-style and customs.
For example, the character denoting 'house' (ga in Korean) contains a character denoting a pig (hog) in the lower part. In the house, people live, not a pig live. Why did they adopt a pig to denote a house? Only Koreans raised pigs within their house.
Another example is the character denoting 'sun'. The character contains a dot within a rectangle. Why did they contain the dot, seemingly unnecessarily? The dot denotes a golden crow. Only Koreans had the legend linking the sun to the golden crow [See Footnote 2].
Additional example is the character denoting 'surname' (ssi in Korean). In Chinese, the character denotes only 'surname' while it denotes both 'surname' and 'seed' in Korean. 'Ssi' is a most common word in Korean and compares the pedigree with the tree (i.e., the seed is a common symbol for the original ancestor whose trace has been handed down by his surname).
4. Korean history book describes the origin of written systems, which is inscribed in dolmens in Korea.
A Korean history book called Chun-bu-gyung records the origin of both current Hanja and Korean alphabet (hangul). Hanja is a kind of pictograph + ideograph, while hangul is the most advanced of phonogram + ideogram in the world. Bone and shell inscriptions were a pictograph, while hexagrams of I-ching invented by Fu Xi (Bokhwi in Korean) are a kind of ideogram. The original character for both Hanja and hangul was 'Nok-doo-mun' (the most ancient writing system),
according to the Chun-bu-gyung. Currently, only Koreans still play a game called 'Yout', which is believed to be very similar to the 'Nok-doo-mun'. The principles of Yout game are essentially the same as I-Ching [See Footnote 3]. Moreover, in Korea and Manchuria, currently there are many ancient rocks (dolmen) in which various kinds of primitive writings are inscribed (see some pictures at
Based on these four facts, I strongly argue that the Hanja was originated and developed by Koreans. The differences in pronunciation system for numbers between Chinese and Korean clearly indicates it's Korean origin.
Footnote 1
I do not deny the influence of Chinese Hanja culture on Koryo and Chosun. Depending on the period, the direction of cultural transfer could change. And, Koreans were segregated from Cantonese area and confined to the Korean peninsula since the 7-th C AD.
During the Shang period, all three types of Hanja (Chinese character) already had been developed (pictography, logography and lexigraphy). Moreover, semantic and phonetic determinative were developed in this period. It will not be surprising that phonetic determinative continued to be developed in Korea to establish Idoo before 600 A.D., finally inventing Hangul in 1446 A.D.
William Boltz (1986) concluded that the Ta wen k'ou graphs (1900 B.C.) are indeed the predecessors of the Shang pictography (B.C.1200). He differed "Origins of civilization in China" from "Origins of Chinese civilization".
He noted distinct two kinds of inscription of the Shang dynasty: 1) oracle bone inscription (OBI), and 2) bronze inscription. Shang OBI had rough and angular, with a strong dominance of straight lines, whereas the characters of "bronze inscriptions" are replete with circles, ovals and curved strokes of a kind nearly impossible to incise on bone or turtle shell. Shang bronze inscriptions are generally limited to simple statements of who made the vessel for whom. The OBI, on the other hand, consist of considerably more complex, often ritually formulaic, divinatory texts.
Pictographs found in the Shantung province show evolutionary process of writing system according to Boltz (1986).
(1) Insignia or emblem-type graphs found on pottery fragments from a neolithic site at Ling yang ho, near Chu hsien, souther part of modern Shantung province (4300-1900 BC)
(2) Emblem-type character painted on a hu vase found at Pao t'ou village, Shantung province (Middle Ta wen k'ou period)
(3) Partial insigne found on pottery fragment from Ch'ien chai, north of Ling yang ho (Late Ta wen k'ou culture)
The feature of the Ta wen k'ou pictographs (1900 B.C.) is matched by the 'clan name' emblems on Shang bronzes of a few centuries later.
Let's summarize the propagation sequence of Hanja system and technology among the four cultures with respect to Chinese writing system (Hanja): Ta wen k'ou (4300-1900 BC), Yangshao (West) vs. Lung-shan (East) (3000-1000BC) and Shang (1700-1027 BC).
Ta wen k'ou (pictograph) -> Shang dynasty
Ta wen k'ou (Neolithic) -> Lung-shan (Neolithic + bronze weapon) -> Shang dynasty (bronze)
Now, it seems certain that Hanja (Chinese writing) did not come from Yangshao culture, but Hanja might have came from Ta wen k'ou through Lung-shan (Youngsan). The Lungshan people were far advanced at pottery than the concurrent Yangshao people. Undoubtedly, the Lungshan was the predecessor of the Bronze Age (Shang) kingdom.
Few people would deny the fact that "East I" or "East Yi" was the dominant people of Lung-shan culture. And, Koreans had been called East Yi, as Yi indeed denotes a 'big bow', which still symbolize why Koreans are undefeatable champions in Olympic archery. Moreover, it would not be coincident that the Shang people firstly used a new composite bow and that the Hanja (Chinese character) denoting Yi is the shape of the composite bow. A picture of composite bow can be seen at http://www.rom.on.ca/pub/shang/shangd.html.
Footnote 2
In various mural paintings drawn during Koguryo (B.C. 37 ~ A.D. 668), we can see the gold crow. The gold crow has three legs. See a picture of the gold crow at:
It was the symbol of the sun to Koreans, whereas a toad was the symbol of the moon. The legend says that the crow eats fire of the sun. Why did the crow have three legs? Two legs implies imperfection, so Koreans added another leg. Koreans cherished the number 3. The most ancient Korean history book called Chun-bu-kyung also started with the number 3 (1 + 2 = 3). Three denotes perfection or maturation.
This seemingly forgotten three-leg crow became a news during the 2002 worldcup in Korea. The three-leg crow has been used as the logo of JFA (Japan Football Association), probably since 1950, which most Koreans had not noticed. Look at the log at:
Of course, Japan has a record on the three-leg crow according the book (Nihon Shogi dated in AD 720), apparently influenced by Koguryo. But Japan do not have any ancient paintings on the three-leg crow or the related legend. Why do Japanese try to copy even this kind of ancient logo of Koreans?
Of course, it is true that China has more records on the three-legged crow than Korea, as Chinese, Mongolians and Japanese consistently tried to burn and destroy Korean history books during the past 2,000 years and Korea lacks of ancient text books.
I cite a record from the 8-th Dangun (Woo-seo-han, or Oh-Sah-Hahm, B.C. 1993 ~ B.C. 1985). Han-dan-go-gi records that the three-legged crow flied into the royal palace in B.C. 1987 and it's wing was about 1 meter width.
There is no disputes that the three-legged crow is the symbol of Koguryo among historians. Koguryo has the richest mural paintings on the three-legged crow compared to any other country. Based on this, we can infer that the three-legged crow found in other country had been originated from Koreans, as only people of Koguryo loved the bird so much. Koreans admired the sun and the light. 'Dan' in Dangun and 'Han' (also Khan) originally meant the light. In China, three-legged crow was gradually changed to the Chinese phoenix.
Unlike impressions from records, paintings clearly show that the three-legged crow was Korean. People could destroy as the Qin dynasty did, or modify/exaggerate history in text as Sima Qian did, but they could not completely remove relics.
Footnote 3
The hexagrams of the I Ching were said to have been created by the legendary emperor 'Fu Xi' after he had contemplated on a diagram called Ha Do that was bestowed from the Heaven. Han scholars rewrote many myths as fact to fill gaps in early Chinese history. Fu Xi was declared to have been the very first emperor, ruling from 2852 to 2737 BC. He was said to have been the inventor of musical instruments and Chinese handwriting [1].
Chinese legend says that Fu Xi is the most senior one among the three ancestors. Together with N-Wa, the women who he married with, they started the civilization of human being. The current Fu Xi's Temple in Shandong was built on a 6-meter high terrace. In the main hall, Fu Xi's state was placed and sacrifices are given. And in the back of the hall, N-Wa's statue was placed [2].
It is said that the upper body of Fu Xi is that of a human being while his lower body is in the form of a snake. Inferring from the scientific nature of the I Ching, it may just be possible that Fu Xi was an extraterrestrial. If Fu Xi was indeed the first ancestor of Chinese, then how could the descendents describe their first ancestor as a monster? Why did ancient Chinese historians initially consider Fu Xi as just a legend? Ancient Chinese call their neighboring people as "bugs" or"barbarians". The monster portrait suggests that Fu Xi might have been from a neighboring country, not Chinese countries. What was that country?
"Fu Xi came from the nationality called East Yi dwelling in the Neolithic Age, along the coastal area of the present-day Shandong Province and, therefore, Fu Xi turned out to have come from Shandong Province" (quoted from a Chinese site [4])
What was "East Yi"? Of course, "Yi" means "barbarians" in Chinese. Most Koreans know what is "Dong (east) Yi". People in 'East Yi' are known to have been very good at archery, as Korean Olympic archery teams are today. The Hanja "Yi" indeed symbolize the shape of a big bow. Surprisingly. the recently discovered Korean history text titled "Han Dan Go Gi" describes the life of "Fu Xi" (Bokhwi in Korean) [3, see Footnote 4].
It writes that he was the son of the 5-th emperor of the Baedal (B.C.3898- BC 2333) and his surname was "Pung" as he lived in "Pung-san". Although the surname "Pung" no longer exists in Korean names, some related words survived to today such as "Pung-chae" "Pung-gol" and"Pung-shin", all of which are terms for describing human body shape. Another daughter name was "Yeo-wa" (N-Wa in Chinese) [3].
It writes that she was known to have a magical talent to make a human being from mud and to be extremely jealous (these two points, together with the sound, might may remind you of Jehovah) [5].
Unfortunately only a few Korean scholars in universities accept "Han Dan Go Gi" as a history book, insisting that the book was fabricated in some points. Some Koreans, while acknowledging that a few points might have been fabricated while copying, decry the university historians as too much contaminated by Japanese colonial view of history that tried to disparage Korean history in the 1910-1945 period, as they deny whole text book. Anyway, East Yi was located in Shandong Province...... What does this mean? I would rather stop here for today. But the point is that it will not be awkward that I link "I Ching" to Han.
Some References on this footnote
[1] Microsoft Encarta "Fu Xi" [2] http://www.china-sd.net/eng/sdtravel/scenery/30.asp [3] http://www.sejongnamepia.pe.kr/name_before.html http://www.shaman.co.kr/newspaper/09/mago.htm http://www.jsd.or.kr/a/truth_sh/korhist/k_hist_05.htm [4] http://www.sbbs.com.cn/English/RE-EXPLORATION%20OF%20BIAN-HEALING%20S...m). [5] http://www.hankooki.com/culture/200205/h2002051415292516030.htm [6] http://www.chinaknowledge.de/History/Zhou/springautumn.htm http://www.xsenergy.com/theme.html
"Yi is known by a variety of names: The East Barbarian, Yi the Good, Lord Yi, and Yi Lord of the Hsia. As a result of this ambiguity, Yi is seen both as a hero who is favored by the Gods as well as a villain, murderer, usurper and adulterer. In this myth Yi is the hero as he shoots the Ten Suns to avert disaster."
Footnote 4
Handangogi records anstromical events that are not recorded in any other history text books.
Just two examples:
1. The oldest record for a solar eclipse in Chinese history books is B.C. 776 (Zhou dynasty). The oldest one in Handangogi is B.C. 2183, which was about 1,400 year earlier. Of course, the calculated date was near the same.
2. Dangunsegi and Dangungosa record that, in B.C. 1733, five stars approached each other and became a cluster. The calculated year by the professor and his colleague was B.C. 1734, July 13.
As a solar eclipse can be seen only in a specific area on the earth, they could track down the position of observers based on records of samguksai or other texts from the three kingdoms. The results indicated that the Silla observer should have been near the Yangtze River before AD 201 and southern Korea after AD 787. It is quite interesting that the observers for Paekche should have been near Bohai bay, as all events recorded from Paekche could have been observed only there.
With respect to solar eclipse events, the hitting ratio of samguksai was 80%, 63-78% for some Chinese records at the similar period, and only 45% for Nihon shogi. The ratio was 70% for all recorded solar eclipse in handangogi when allowing +/-4 years error. http://www.eurasiad.com/handan_astro.html (hangul)
It seems to be true that a few sentences in Handangogi were modified while copying around 1911. Koreans, including me, acknowledge it. However, the few modified sentences can not justify denying all of the history text book. In the world, which text book was not modified at all while copying? Comparing with Handangogi, Nihon Shogi is indeed an imaginary novel. Comparing hitting ratio of solar eclipse, Handangogi is 70% while Nihon Shogi is just 45%. Still, historians, especially westerners, cite Nihon Shogi while acknowledging some parts were exaggerated or modified. Look at the whole context of Handangogi at first. This is what so-called nationalist historians in Korea ask for.




Author: Chung Yen-kyuPublisher: JIMOONDANGPub. Date: Jan. 2007Hardcover: 244 pagesDimensions (in inches): 9.09 x 6.18 x 0.98List Price: USD $25.27 (KRW 23,000)Our Price: USD $22.75 (KRW 20,700)You Save: USD $2.53 (10% off) When and where did man make the first advent on this earth?When and where did the history and civilization of human begin? These question and answer by the scholars of various sciences so far are in a sense speculative. I would say there is a small book to answer these formidable questions as far as my shallow knowledge permits.In contrast to the civilizations the anthropologist mentioned ,this book makes the assertion that the culture of Mago Castle on the Pamirs dates more than 70,000 years and that members of this race gradually migrated throughout the world , transplanting their culture to the colonies as they went.
During his professorships for thirty years at Kyungpook National University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Yeungnam University and Ball State University (teaching 7 Ph.D. students in linguistic seminar), Chung Yen-kyu, the author of this book, has majored in linguistics and has been especially interested in the language family, language typology and historic and comparative linguistics. Further, the author began to study Altaic linguistics which Korean was supposed to be genetically related to . Thus he began to pay attention to the ancient Korean history that was totally abandoned in the veil of myths. In consequence, he has published the six volumes on the ancient Korean history.-Preface of the book
Copyright © 2002-2007 Seoul Selection
site link : http://www.seoulselection.com/shopping_book_list.html?bcid=5

Ancient Korea and the Dawn of Human History in the Pamirs
- A Linguistic, Historic and Anthropological Approach -
Chung Yenkyu
1. Introduction
2. Mago(Ø«Í´) Castle in the Pamirs: the history of mankind begins
3. Mago tribes migrate all over the world
3-1. The origin of ancient Korean culture: Hwanggung(üÜÏâ) tribes move to the Tiensan(ô¸ß£) mountain ranges:
3-1-1 The Hwanin(ü¸ì×) dynasty in Mt. Ceukseuk(îÝà´ß£)
3-1-2 The Hwanwung(ü¸ê©) dynasty in Mt. Thaebaek(÷¼ÛÜߣ)
3-1-3 The Tangun(ÓªÏÖ) dynasty in Mt. Altun(ÑÑߣ)
3-2. The origin of the Hwang River(üÜùÁ) culture: Cheunggung(ôìÏâ) tribes move to Chungweun(ñéê«)
3-3. The origin of the Sumer, Egyptian, Greek and other Western cultures: Paekso(ÛÜáµ) tribes move to the west
3-3-1 A brief history of Skythen
3-3-2 Sumer and Israel civilizations from Central Asia
3-3-3 Egypt as the mediator between Eastern and Western cultures
3-3-4 A brief history of Greece
3-4. The origin of the Indus, Ganges, Maya and Dravida cultures: Heukso(ýÙáµ) Tribes move to the south
3-5. The Mago culture is transmitted to the North, Middle, and South American continents.
3-5-1 Cliff Dwellers and Eskimo-Aleut in North America
3-5-2 Yucatan's Maya civilization in Mexico
3-5-3 The civilization of South America
4. Cosmology and Cheunbukyung(ô¸Ý¬Ìè): the First Heavenly Message
4-1 Primitive Korean cosmology
4-2 Cheunpukyung(ô¸Ý¬Ìè): the Sacred Inspired Writings of Mago Casle.
5. Conclusion



[video]Hwandangogi, Korean Ancient History's book

Hwandangogi consists of 4 volumes. Samseonggi contains a history of Hwan In and Hwan Wung.Bukbuyeogi contains a hisotry of Bukbuyeo(BC 239-BC 58) dynasty, a predecessor of Goguryeo(BC 58-AD 668) dynasty.At last, Taebaekilsa contains from an ancient history to Goryeo(AD 918-AD 1392) dynasty history. Howerver, this book contains an amazing history. Our history is not 5000 years, but it states our history is 10,000 years.It states that there is 5,000 years of history before Dangun Joseon (BC 2333-AD 238) dynasty. There was Hwanguk (BC 7199-BC 3898 : Hwan dynasty) first and following dynasty called Shinshi, Baedalguk (BC 3898-BC 2333 : Baedal dynasty). Then, Dangun Joseon (BC 2333-AD 238) afterward.After Dangun Joseon (BC 2333-AD 238), there was Bukbuyeo(BC 239-BC 58) dynasty, a predecessor of Goguryeo dynasty and Goryeo(AD 918-AD 1392) dynasty after Bukbuyeo. Then Daejinguk (AD 669-926 : Daejin dynasty), also called Balhae, and there was Goryeo (AD 918-1392) dynasty. Especially ancient history is brilliant. The first dynasty, Hwanguk (BC 7199-BC 3898 : Hwan dynasty), was born in history 10,000 years ago. During 3301 years of its ruling period, Hwanguk was governed by 7 Hwanins. After Hwanguk, Shinshi Baedalguk (BC3898-BC 2333 : Baedal dynasty) was ruled by 18 Hwan Wungs over 1500 years. After ruling over 5000 years by Hwanguk (BC 7199-BC 3898 : Hwan dynasty) and Shinshi Baedalgul, finally Dangun Joseon (BC 2333-AD 238 : Dangun Joseon dynasty) was born and total 47 Dangun ruled Dangun Joseon.Ph.Dr. Myeong-Cheol Yun, Dongguk University History department:This book has a specific record about our greatness and territory not like the history that we have known. Therefore, regardless if it is true or not, this book has been very important for those who are seeking for Korean race's greatness or identity of Korean race.The domain of Korean race described in Hwandangogi is far beyond our imagination. According to Samseonggi, under Mt. Pamirs, there was a dynasty of Hwan In and this land is east of Cheon. The size of this land extends from 50,000 Ri(20,000 km) North to South and 20,000 Ri(8,000 km) from East to West.The location of Mt. Pamirs is central Siberian plateau and Cheon is Lake Baikal at the current day. This means that territory of Hwanguk 10,000 years ago is beyond Asia. Hwanguk (BC 7199-BC 3898 : Hwan dynasty) ruled over 12 dynasties and boasted its vast territory extending 50,000 Ri(20,000 km) from North to South and 20,000 Ri(8,000 km) from East to West.Among these countries, there is a country called Sumiliguk.Some claim that Sumiliguk is the old Sumer civilization.According to this declaration, people of Sumer who has built up theMesopotamia civilization are ethnic ancestors of Korea.There are not only stories of the spacious territory in Hwandangogi, but also glaring heroes.One of the typical hero is Chi Wu Cheonhwang where his face-shape is inscribed in a tile of tradition.Chi Wu Cheonhwang is the 14th Hwan Wung of Baedalguk who already used iron arms andknown as the God of War. Ja O Ji Hwan Wung had copper enclosed the headand his forehead was covered with iron.The world was frightened of him because he first made weapons with iron(metal) and called him Chi Wu Cheonhwang.A chinese warrior Heon Wun Hwang Je challenged to him for many timesbut never was able to achieve victory.Hwandangogi notes that the war that is known as Chinese history between Chi Wu and Hwang Je started from the history of Korea.The fifth son of Da Il Ban Hwan Wung is called Tae Ho Bok Hi.Tae Ho Bok Hi is the first character of Sam Hwang O Je and served as theWusa(chief of rain) for the Dynasty and after went to Jin kingdom.If he is the son of Hwan Wung written in the book,then the Chinese history has origined from Korean history.

by Jiwoong (tenplus@dreamwiz.com)



What is History? by Shin Chaeho
Every history of each cultures or countries are equal. however, the history of the world seems to be mainly focused on certain cultures or regions such as Europe. The very most known book by E.H Carr "What is History" is one of the basic books that all history students need to read. Here's a part of a writing by Korean history scholar named Shin Chaeho about "What is History?".
What is history? What shall we study in Korean history?
by Shin Chaeho
This is a translation of an excerpt from the introductory chapter of Shin’s Ancient History of Korea, published posthumously in 1948, and is included in Danjae Shin Chaeho chonjip. Chapters of the book were first published in a series in the Korean language newspaper Choson ilbo in 1931.What is history? It is a record of the state of mental activities in which the ego(아) struggles against the nonego(비아) in the context of passing time and expanding space. World history is a record of mankind’s struggles, and Korean history is that of the Korean people.What is the ego? And what is the nonego? Put simply, the ego is the subject, and the nonego applies to everyone else. To a Korean, for example, Korea is the ego and England, Russia, France, America, and so on are the nonego; to an Englishman, American, Frenchman, and Russian, his own country is the ego, and Korea is the nonego. The propertyless class considers itself as the ego and the landlord, and the capitalist, and so forth are the nonego while the landlord or the capitalist calls his own group the ego, and the propertyless class is the nonego in that case. In scholarship, technology, occupation, personal opinion, or anything else, there is an ego at the center and an nonego to confront it. Within the ego itself there are the ego and nonego [among the subunits]; similarly , within the nonego, there are the ego and the nonego. The more frequent and intense the contacts between the ego and the nonego, the fiercer is the ego’s struggle. The activities of mankind do not cease and history has no terminal point. History, therefore, is a record of the struggle between the ego and the nonego.To become and ego in history, both the ego and the nonego would of necessity require the following two attributes: (1) continuity, or eternal life, and (2) universality, or the spread of their influence in spatial terms. There have been struggles between the ego and the nonego among nonhuman living things, but the consciousness of the ego was too weak or absent altogether, thereby lacking in continuity and universality; because of this, they had to yield the making of history to human beings.The struggle between the ego and nonego exists at the level of the individual, not at the level of society, but the ego is so limited- and therefore deficient in continuity and universality- that only the activities of society, not those of the individual, make history. Even for the same event, the degrees of these two attributes-continuity and universality- may determine what is recorded or ignored in history. For example, Kim Songmun(1658-1735), the Korean scholar who asserted that the earth was round, did not get the same historical recognition as Bruno(1548-1600) who had made a similar assertion. That was because Bruno’s theory aroused many nations’ interest in exploration, leading to the discovery of the American continent, whereas Kim Songmun’s assertion did not produce a similar result. Chong Yorip(d.1589) was a great scholar of East Asia who tried four hundred years ago to demolish the theory of ethics legitimizing royal absolutism, but he cannot be considered a historical personage comparable to Rousseau, the author of the Social Contract. Chong’s theory influenced acts of lightning violence by secret fraternities such as the Sword Fraternity (Komgye) or the Fraternity to Slaughter the Literati(Yangban Sallyukkye), but they cannot be compared to the turbulent and massive French Revolution that followed Rousseau’s time.One who overcomes the nonego and elevates the ego shall emerge as victor in the struggle and live on in history; one who extinguishes the ego and submits to the nonego shall be the loser in the struggle and shall leave only a faint trace in history. This has been and unchanging pattern throughout history. It is human nature to prefer victory to defeat. What then are the reasons for the disappointing reversal of the original hope for victory?The ego always precedes the nonego in a priori substantive terms(sonchonjoksilchil). In a posteriori formal relationships(huchonjok hyongsik), however, the nonego must precede the ego. For example, the Korean nation- the ego- had emerged, in a priori terms, prior to the emergence of its counterparts, the Miaos and the Chinese- the nonego. In a posteriori terms, however, there would not have been such actions of the ego as establishing a country named Korea, building its three capital cities, or creating the Five Armies had it not been for the presence of the nonego counterparts.Failure either to safeguard the a priori element by establishing a firm self-identity(chongsin) or to maintain the a posteriori element by adapting to the environment brings about a defeat.(translated and extract form Sources of Korean Tradition Vol.2 p. 317-319 –Columbia Univ. Press)
Who is Danjae Shin Chaeho?
Sin Chaeho or Shin Chaeho(1880-1936), who wrote on the early history of Korea, actively participated in the armed independence movement in Manchuria, Shanghai and Beijing. He continuously made public the results of his studies on Korean history.


2007년 11월 20일 화요일

Man are microcosmos of universe


Man are microcosmos of universe.
New Science , science magazine in england in 1986 announced that if all constellations are inputed to a computer, the shape of a human body appear. When the appearance of a person is magnified, it will be the universe's shape.
From old days, we call the human as the small universe in the East. The human being is the one who resembles the big universe most.
Moreover, inside human beings is everything that exists in the universe. How about looking through specifically
The human body is the microcosmos of heaven and earth.
The head of human being is round as the heaven is and two feet flat as the earth. Like the sun and the moon being in the sky, we have bright eyes.
The eyes of human being has the fire of both the Sun and the Moon at the same time.
Human body has hands, feet, arms and legs which are conected with each other through several joints ,and qi is flowing throughout them.
Our body has hair in the necessary places on the skin just like trees and grasses on the field or hills . as well as our bosy consists of bones like mountain ranges on the earth as if there is a river on the river, our body also has vein. it consist of 70% of water as like the earth is 70% of water and we have the five viscera and the six entrails as like the earth has 5 oceans and 6 continents.
the inorganic nitrogene in blood is thought to be similar to salt in the sea. a year's 365days is the body,the number of star in the universe- cell, the shape of a celestial and constellation- that man is standing
the inorganic nitrogene in blood is thought to be similar to salt in the sea. as 1 year is 365days ,human also have 365 poins of body ,which are called ±âÇ÷ in korea.And like the number of stars on cosmo,human also has many cells in its body. And The shapes of constellation is keeping like a standing human.
all the secrets of universe is in our body
as both at the center of the solar system and the center of the earth have their own fire ,in human body has also the same,called the heart.
Also like four seasons are due to the earth's declining, the heart is not in the center of body and declined to the left so that makes üÁú, and the imperpect mind is also splited easilyby the working of ¾ç±â¿î
the energy and blood is pulsated by the working between the sun and moon, and women's menstruationand the tides of the sea is effected by the moon. and there are countless flowings of energy inside the body of human like the countles s flowings of energy in the universe.
there are 9 holes of human body like the 9 planets in the solar system.(7 holes on the face, 2 holes in the lower part of the body.in addition, there's one more hole in women. the reason is because women need the space which has to make a new birth.it's like the baby universe is born from a black hole, the womb of the universe.)
everything in the universe is in a vitality of human. in a view of life, the universe is the myself and i and the universe myself.

New Science , science magazine in england in 1986


Yin & Yang 4- Micro & Macro


Yin & Yang 4- Micro & Macro
Steady Space and Change of Time
Unlike the steady space which is visible, the invisible time is hard to observe. The change of TIme is hard to observe. However, we can observe the same kind of change as Time through the structure of an atom and the solar system.

As in the image above, the structures are circles. Atom is the smallest element of all things. Atom has proton at the center and electron revolves it. The orbit of Earth is probably the biggest scale of structure we can think of. The Sun is at the center and the Earth is revolving it. Why are the shapes of the structure same? The Truth isn't far away.


Yin & Yang 3- Origin of Circle


Yin & Yang 3- Origin of Circle
With space and time, there is Universe. Universe exist with the compostion of space and time. Space has many shapes and features but are all able to be viewed with our eyes.
Time however can not be either can be touched or seen. The only thing we can know about time is that time flows within same cycle. One day is 24 hours, never been 25 hours or 23 hours.
Time has been flowing with its own cycle since, the birth of the Universe. and this unchangeable cycle of time serves for the unchangeable order of the various features and shapes of space.
Then, can time be observed through the eye of man's wisdom?
Yes, it can. Time is invisible but from the change of the space, we are able to trace back the footprints of the time. and there are two typical ways to prove it. That is the cycle of a day and an year.
A day is the change of day and night. When the time of day ends, the time of night starts.
When the time of night ends, the time of day starts. and also season changes through circulating just like day and night.
With this understanding of the cycle of circulation, in the far east culture, sexagenary cycle has been used until nowadays.
The Gregorian calendar, the current calender, is based on the linear time thinking. This might be the difference of the West and East thinking of Time.
But Time never stops. Instead it is eternal. Therefor this world is eternal. The circle is the shape of movement of the circulation of Time.


What is Yin & Yang? -Part 2


What is Yin & Yang? - Part 2
Steady Space and Changeable Time
Unlike the steady space which is visible, the invisible time is hard to observe. The change of TIme is hard to observe. However, we can observe the same kind of change as Time through the structure of an atom and the solar system.

As in the image above, the structures are circles. Atom is the smallest element of all things. Atom has proton at the center and electron revolves it. The orbit of Earth is probably the biggest scale of structure we can think of. The Sun is at the center and the Earth is revolving it. Why are the shape of the structures common? because this Universe from the smallest micro to the biggest macro are structured with one nature law or nature principle.
Diamond and graphite
All the beings in nature;including creatures and lifeless, exit under the basic conditions of form and inner order. Pebbles, stream, trees, fish, birds and all natures are enclosed by this basic condition of form and inner order. Even man-made plastics or metal products has this form and inner order. You may see and observe the form but can you see the inner order? Inner order is not been seen just like the "Time". Well, here's an good example how much the inner order is important.
Diamond and graphite are two totally different forms. Diamond is hardest mineral known to man, Graphite is one of the softest. Diamond is an excellent electrical insulator, Graphite is a good conductor of electricity. Diamond is the ultimate abrasive, Graphite is a very good lubricant. Diamond is usually transparent, Graphite is opaque. Diamond crystallizes in the Isometric system and graphite crystallizes in the hexagonal system. Two are totally different forms. Somewhat of a surprise is that at surface temperatures and pressures, Graphite is the stable form of carbon. In fact, all diamonds at or near the surface of the Earth are currently undergoing a transformation into Graphite. This reaction, fortunately, is extremely slow. Graphite is a polymorph of the element carbon. diamond is another polymorph. The two share the same chemistry, carbon, but have very different structures and very different properties. All of the differences between graphite and diamond are the result of the difference in their respective structures. Graphite has a sheet like structure where the atoms all lie in a plane and are only weakly bonded to the graphite sheets above and below. Diamond has a framework structure where the carbon atoms are bonded to other carbon atoms in three dimensions as opposed to two in graphite. The carbon-carbon bonds in both minerals are actually quite strong, but it is the application of those bonds that make the difference.
Mineral Name
(Click on images to enlarge)

Crystal System
The inner order effects the form just like how diamond and graphite are being effected. Same carbon but if it can be structured differently, the form will be different.


What is Yin & Yang? -Part 1


-Part 1
A living sea inside man's body
One of the symbols of man's life is blood. If the circulation of the blood stops, the metabolism stops too. and if metabolism stops, the man will brought up to death. What does "A living sea inside man's body" mean? There is a secret fact that will make you interesting. Let's take a look at a drop of blood through the microscope.

You can see the small particles that looks like Winchell's Dounuts floating on the sticky liquid. The particles are white blood cells, red blood cells and blood platelets(thrombocyte). In a healthy man's body, 45% are the Dounuts particles and blood plasma covers 55% of the space. blood plasma are the sticky liquid that is left over after taking out all the small particles. What surprises us is the blood plasma. Blood plasma has various of inorganic matters, and the ratio of it is very much similar the ratio of inorganic matters in the sea. The only difference might be that the sea water is thicker than it is of man's blood. Can you believe that the man's blood without the particles and the sea water has similar shape? Can you imagine that inside man's body there is a small sea floating? Even heart beating resembles the shape of sea. blood waves toward capillary vessel like the tide is on the flow. and tide ebbs back to vein. This circulation of in and out is same shape of the flow of tide in and out.

Knowing one is knowing all
What does the word Universe mean? or What does Cosmos mean? "The universe is the entire spacetime continuum in which we exist, together with all the energy and matter within it(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universe)." and "The word cosmos is the Greek word for 'order', and the cosmos- the universe as a whole- was the only order to found in the chaos of Greek mythology(ALPHA & OMEGA by Charles Seife)." In Korean, Universe or Cosmos is "Woo(宇, 우) Joo(宙, 주)". Woo(宇, 우) means the four directions (north, south, east and west). Woo(宇, 우) means space. Joo(宙, 주) means "comings and goings of all ages". Joo(宙, 주) means time. We can discover an interesting fact that the term of Universe in Korean or Chinese has similar concept of that of the modern concept of spacetime continuum. From the Ancient ages of East, the Universe was a unified structure of Time & Space. The space is a matter. It is visible. The time is invisible. We can not see it but we know that time flows within certain rule of cycle enabling the change of the circumstances.

"Knowing one is Knowing all (一本萬殊, 일본만수)" This was the basic idea of thinking in the Far East. It means to analogize the whole out of the ultimate principle. Where ever you are, When ever at sometimes, this whole world is being ruled by the Great Ultimate Principle. The East way of thinking is analogizing through dedcution. Is there anyone who claim you need to drink all the sea water to confirm if it is salty? Anyone will know that this is not necessary to do. By only tasting a drop of sea water you will know that sea water is salty. Presuming that this Great Universe is a sea, all of the mankind, grass, trees, rocks, earth, solar systems are an individual microcosmos and are just like a drop of salt water. Especially, the reason why in the East emphasize that human are the microcosmos is because human are the being to best resemble the nature of Universe. If you get to understand the Nature Principle then you will be able to understand how important the role of human is. Anaogizing the microcosmos, you can deduce the principle of the Great Universe. Just like analogizing from a drop of sea water to see if it is salty.

The shape of the circle
With space and time, there is Universe. Universe exist with the compostion of space and time. Space has many shapes and features but are all able to be viewed with our eyes. Time however can not be either can be touched or seen. The only thing we can know about time is that time flows within same cycle. One day is 24 hours, never been 25 hours or 23 hours. Time has been flowing with its own cycle since, the birth of the Universe. and this unchangeable cycle of time serves for the unchangeable order of the various features and shapes of space. Then, can time be observed through the eye of man's wisdom? Yes, it can. Time is invisible but from the change of the space, we are able to trace back the footprints of the time. and there are two typical ways to prove it. That is the cycle of a day and an year. A day is the change of day and night. When the time of day ends, the time of night starts. When the time of night ends, the time of day starts. and also season changes through circulating just like day and night. With this understanding of the cycle of circulation, in the far east culture, sexagenary cycle has been used until nowadays. The Gregorian calendar, the current calender, is based on the linear time thinking. This might be the difference of the West and East thinking of Time. But Time never stops. Instead it is eternal. Therefore this world is eternal. The circle is the shape of movement of the circulation of Time.
