2007년 11월 20일 화요일

What is Yin & Yang? -Part 1


-Part 1
A living sea inside man's body
One of the symbols of man's life is blood. If the circulation of the blood stops, the metabolism stops too. and if metabolism stops, the man will brought up to death. What does "A living sea inside man's body" mean? There is a secret fact that will make you interesting. Let's take a look at a drop of blood through the microscope.

You can see the small particles that looks like Winchell's Dounuts floating on the sticky liquid. The particles are white blood cells, red blood cells and blood platelets(thrombocyte). In a healthy man's body, 45% are the Dounuts particles and blood plasma covers 55% of the space. blood plasma are the sticky liquid that is left over after taking out all the small particles. What surprises us is the blood plasma. Blood plasma has various of inorganic matters, and the ratio of it is very much similar the ratio of inorganic matters in the sea. The only difference might be that the sea water is thicker than it is of man's blood. Can you believe that the man's blood without the particles and the sea water has similar shape? Can you imagine that inside man's body there is a small sea floating? Even heart beating resembles the shape of sea. blood waves toward capillary vessel like the tide is on the flow. and tide ebbs back to vein. This circulation of in and out is same shape of the flow of tide in and out.

Knowing one is knowing all
What does the word Universe mean? or What does Cosmos mean? "The universe is the entire spacetime continuum in which we exist, together with all the energy and matter within it(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universe)." and "The word cosmos is the Greek word for 'order', and the cosmos- the universe as a whole- was the only order to found in the chaos of Greek mythology(ALPHA & OMEGA by Charles Seife)." In Korean, Universe or Cosmos is "Woo(宇, 우) Joo(宙, 주)". Woo(宇, 우) means the four directions (north, south, east and west). Woo(宇, 우) means space. Joo(宙, 주) means "comings and goings of all ages". Joo(宙, 주) means time. We can discover an interesting fact that the term of Universe in Korean or Chinese has similar concept of that of the modern concept of spacetime continuum. From the Ancient ages of East, the Universe was a unified structure of Time & Space. The space is a matter. It is visible. The time is invisible. We can not see it but we know that time flows within certain rule of cycle enabling the change of the circumstances.

"Knowing one is Knowing all (一本萬殊, 일본만수)" This was the basic idea of thinking in the Far East. It means to analogize the whole out of the ultimate principle. Where ever you are, When ever at sometimes, this whole world is being ruled by the Great Ultimate Principle. The East way of thinking is analogizing through dedcution. Is there anyone who claim you need to drink all the sea water to confirm if it is salty? Anyone will know that this is not necessary to do. By only tasting a drop of sea water you will know that sea water is salty. Presuming that this Great Universe is a sea, all of the mankind, grass, trees, rocks, earth, solar systems are an individual microcosmos and are just like a drop of salt water. Especially, the reason why in the East emphasize that human are the microcosmos is because human are the being to best resemble the nature of Universe. If you get to understand the Nature Principle then you will be able to understand how important the role of human is. Anaogizing the microcosmos, you can deduce the principle of the Great Universe. Just like analogizing from a drop of sea water to see if it is salty.

The shape of the circle
With space and time, there is Universe. Universe exist with the compostion of space and time. Space has many shapes and features but are all able to be viewed with our eyes. Time however can not be either can be touched or seen. The only thing we can know about time is that time flows within same cycle. One day is 24 hours, never been 25 hours or 23 hours. Time has been flowing with its own cycle since, the birth of the Universe. and this unchangeable cycle of time serves for the unchangeable order of the various features and shapes of space. Then, can time be observed through the eye of man's wisdom? Yes, it can. Time is invisible but from the change of the space, we are able to trace back the footprints of the time. and there are two typical ways to prove it. That is the cycle of a day and an year. A day is the change of day and night. When the time of day ends, the time of night starts. When the time of night ends, the time of day starts. and also season changes through circulating just like day and night. With this understanding of the cycle of circulation, in the far east culture, sexagenary cycle has been used until nowadays. The Gregorian calendar, the current calender, is based on the linear time thinking. This might be the difference of the West and East thinking of Time. But Time never stops. Instead it is eternal. Therefore this world is eternal. The circle is the shape of movement of the circulation of Time.


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